iOS 5 on iPad nostalgia

July 4, 2016

When I was going through my old photos of 2012, I found these iOS 5 on iPad screen grabs. It's amazing how much iOS has changed since the iOS 7 redesign. Looking back, I feel I miss these icons a little bit. They actually didn't look that bad. I hope iOS 10 and the ones after that will bring back a little bit more contour and depth. While I'm not a fan of skeuomorphism, the flatness and blank spaces of iOS 7/8/9 are in my opinion another extreme that has to be improved. I want more functionality, I want to trump pure visual simplicity. I hope iOS 10 will fix some of that.

Meanwhile, enjoy some iOS 5 nostalgia:

I really loved Apple's Pages and FaceTime icons here.

Google Translate looked awesome. I never liked Newsstand, though.

The settings were so much more pleasant than now in iOS 9.3

I really love the iPad, it's my second favorite computer after the iMac. I have very high expectations on iOS, and I hope Apple will continue to make it batter, so that I can continue to buy iPads in the future.